One of my first trips out west in the winter we went to Mesa Falls near Ashton, Idaho. During the winter the roads and walkways aren’t maintained but our trip was earlier and we took the boy’s little car back there. We did get stuck but mostly it was fine. We decided to go back again and attempted to ride on the rails to trails with snowmobiles there from Tetonia, Idaho. It was going to be a long ride which I wasn’t too excited about since riding snowmobiles fast makes your face quite cold quickly. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me) Tom’s snowmobile had something wrong with it that we noticed right away. Turns out it was never properly fixed. Insert shocked face here. So luckily we decided to turn back and take the truck the rest of the way. This really worked out for the best since the Rails to Trails path which someone had given us advice to ride on didn’t exactly go far enough to Mesa Falls and it would have involved some road riding. Anyhow we made it there and were able to take the other snowmobile into the actual park to see the falls. It really is so amazing to see the waterfalls surrounded by snow and ice. I almost think its better in the winter than in the summer. If you are ever in this part of Idaho, I do recommend taking a trip here.