on the last day of vacation we went boating.
when bob drove us over to the bridge and encouraged the boy to jump off.
since we knew it was 18 feet deep (via the boat’s depth finder) i knew it was safe
i figured, why not? when else will we have the chance to jump off a 20 something foot bridge.
i encouraged the boy to do it with me and of course he couldn’t turn down the challenge.
it was all great until i was standing on the ledge looking down and shaking.
luke counted to three from the boat and i couldn’t let go.
finally tom said – we are going now, and jumped off.
i watched him go for a few second before i made the leap myself.
i wanted photos together and if i waited too long i knew i would chicken out.
so grateful we got this moment on camera.
the first man we watched jump…
our turn to jump..
no harm done. just a little water in my nose.
life jackets are amazing, you just bob right back up.